Click here if you are a first-time internet applicant

Click here if you have already completed My Page registration

Online Application Procedure

  • STEP1Preparation and confirmation of entrance examination system

    If you are a first-time applicant, please be sure to read the following before applying.
    Please refer to the application guideline or the university website for the detailed information of the entrance exams.

  • STEP2Register on My Page

    If you are using the Online application for the first time, please click on "My Page Registration" to register your My Page.

  • STEP3Online Application

    Please access the registered My Page from the "Login" button, and enter the required fields such as the desired graduate school department, an entrance exam, and personal information.

    ※A full-face photo data (File types (jpeg, jpg, png, bmp), up to 10MB) is required for application.
    The photo will be used for identification purposes.
    Please prepare a color photo data of the front facing, upper body, no cap, no background, taken within 3 months before the application.

  • STEP4Payment

    You can pay the application fee at a convenience store, ATMs of banks that accept Pay-easy, online banking, credit card.
    Either payment method requires a payment fee in addition to the application fee.

    ※If you notice incorrect information in your application before paying the application fee, please do not pay and start registration again from Step 3.
    If the application fee is not paid by the payment deadline, the application registration will be invalid.

  • STEP5Printing Required Documents

    Please access the registered My Page and print out the downloadable documents.

    ※To print the Web application form (PDF), you should prepare a color or black and white printer capable of A4 plain paper.
    Please prepare along with printing paper (plain paper, PPC paper, OA common paper, copy paper, etc.).

  • STEP6Mailing Required Documents

    Please mail the printed "Web application form" and other required documents (certificates, etc.) together by "simplified registered mail/express mail" so that they arrive by the deadline.

    ※Please send your application documents in a commercially available square No.2 envelope (240mm x 332mm size) affixed with the "Address sheet" printed out when you print the application form.

  • Once your application is accepted, an invitation to print the examination ticket (step 7) will be sent to your registered e-mail address.

  • STEP7Printing examination card

    *When the application is accepted and the examination card can be printed, you will be notified through the e-mail address you have registered.
    If you do not receive the e-mail by the deadline stated in application guideline, please log in to My Page, print out the examination card and bring it with you on the examination day.