(1) Personal Information Manager
Personal information will be managed within Career-tasu in a responsible manner.
Personal Information Protection Manager and Responsible Executive Officer
Career-tasu, Inc.
Iidabashi First Building 9F
2-5-1 Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0004
Contact E-Mail: privacy-madoguchi@career-tasu.co.jp
(2) Purpose of Use of Personal Information
Personal information registered with Career-tasu will be used by Career-tasu only for the following purposes and will not be used for any other purposes:
1: Provision of personal information to educational institutions such as universities, colleges and graduate schools, and qualification/examination organizations (the "User Organization(s)") that accept applications through the Service; or
2: Registration of information in the database to save the user from having to enter the same information the next time the Service is used.
(3) Provision of Personal Information to User Organizations
Registered personal information will be provided to the User Organizations that use the Service to accept applications, in a manner that is sufficiently confidential, such as by using encrypted internet storage services. The items of personal information to be provided are as follows:
- Name
- Zip code
- Address
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- Gender
- E-mail address
- Information necessary for application to a User Organization
The personal information provided to the User Organizations will be managed by each such organization for the purposes of communicating with the applicants for the provision of information in relation to acceptance of applications.
The handling of personal information managed by each User Organization is governed by the privacy policy and other rules of each User Organization.
User Organizations that use the Service to accept applications are prohibited from using personal information obtained through the Service for any purpose other than to provide information to the applicants.
(4) In order to improve the convenience of users, a part of the handling of personal information will be outsourced within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use of the Service.