コンビニエンスストア(Convenience stores) | ![]() |
郵便局・銀行ATM(ATMs of Post offices or Banks) | ![]() |
ネットバンキング(Internet banking) | ![]() |
クレジットカード(Credit card) | ![]() |
セブン-イレブン でのお支払い |
1.レジにて店員に「インターネット代金の支払い」とお伝えください。 2.【払込票番号 (13桁)】を伝え現金、nanaco、クレジットカードでお支払いください。 3.「レシート(払込領収書)」と「チケット(1枚)」を必ずお受け取りください。 |
ローソン、ミニストップ (Loppi) でのお支払い |
1.「各種番号をお持ちの方」をタッチ 2.【お客様番号*(11桁)】を入力し「次へ」をタッチ 3.「マルチペイメントサービス」(各種代金のお支払い)をタッチ 4.【確認番号*(6桁)】を入力し「次へ」をタッチ 5.表示される内容を確認して「確認」をタッチ 6.端末から出力されるレシートを持って、30分以内にレジにて現金をお支払いください 7.「取扱明細書兼領収書」を必ずお受け取りください 8.「取扱明細書兼領収書」は本人控えとなります。本学への提出は不要です。 |
ファミリーマート (マルチコピー機) でのお支払い |
1.「代金支払い(コンビニでお支払い)」をタッチ。 2.【お客様番号* (11桁)】を入力し「次へ」をタッチ。 3.【確認番号* (6桁)】を入力し「次へ」をタッチ。 4.表示される内容を確認して「確認」をタッチ。 5.端末から出力されるレシートを持って、30分以内にレジにて現金をお支払いください。 6.「取扱明細書兼領収書」を必ずお受け取りください。 7.「取扱明細書兼領収書」は本人控えとなります。本学への提出は不要です。 |
デイリーヤマザキ でのお支払い |
1.レジにて店員に「オンライン決済をしたい」とお伝えください 2.【オンライン決済番号*(11桁)】を伝え現金をお支払いください 3.「レシート」を必ずお受け取りください 4.「領収書」は本人控えとなります。本学への提出は不要です。 |
セイコーマート でのお支払い |
1.レジにて店員に「インターネットの代金支払い」とお伝えください。 2.【オンライン決済番号* (11桁)】を伝え現金をお支払いください。 3.「取扱明細書」を必ずお受け取りください。 4.「取扱明細書」は本人控えとなります。本学への提出は不要です。 |
Make a payment at the following convenience stores, using the "customer number", "confirmation number" and "online settlement number" as described in the payment methods section.
The payment terms are 4 days including the application date.
(If less than 4 days left before the application deadline at the time of completing an application, the due date supersedes the four-day payment term.)
* If payment is not made within the payment term, the application will be cancelled automatically.
*The paid fee is non-refundable.
*Bank ATMs installed at convenience stores cannot be used for payment.
Seven Eleven |
1. Please tell the cashier that you want to make an Internet payment. 2. Tell him/her your "payment slip number (13 digits)". and pay, with NANACO or a credit card or in cash. 3. Make sure that you receive a receipt and a ticket. |
Lawson, Mini Stop (Loppi) |
1. Click "those who have a specified number" 2. Enter the "customer number (11 digits)" and click "next" 3. Click "multi-payment service" (payment) 4. Enter the "confirmation number (6 digits)", then click "next" 5. Check the displayed information and click "checked" 6. Take the receipt printed out of the terminal and make a cash payment at the cashier within 30 minutes. 7. Make sure that you receive "specification of payment (receipt)". 8. You may keep "specification of payment" for yourself. You do not need to submit it. |
FamilyMart (Fami Port) |
1. Click "multi-payment service" (Pay at the convenience store) 2. Enter the "customer number (11 digits)" and click "next" 3. Enter the "confirmation number (6 digits)", then click "next" 4. Check the displayed information and click "checked" 5. Take the receipt printed out of the terminal and make a cash payment at the cashier within 30 minutes. 6. Make sure that you receive a "specification of payment (receipt). 7. Please keep the "specification of payment" for yourself. You do not need to submit it. |
Daily Yamazaki |
1. Please tell the cashier that you want to make an Internet payment. 2. Please tell him/her your "online settlement number (11 digits)" to make a cash payment. 3. Make sure that you receive a "receipt". 4. You may keep the "receipt" for yourself. You do not need to submit it. |
SeicoMart |
1.Please tell the clerk at the register that you want to pay for "Internet payment". 2.Give us your "Online settlement number (11 digits)" and pay cash. 3.Make sure that you receive a "specification of payment". 4. You may keep "specification of payment". You do not need to submit it. |
ペイジー対応銀行ATM(ゆうちょ銀行も可) |
1. 「税金・料金払込み」をタッチ。 2. 【収納機関番号 (58021)】【お客様番号 (11桁)】【確認番号 (6桁)】を入力。 3. 表示される内容を確認して「確認」をタッチ。 4. 支払方法(現金、キャッシュカード)を選択。 5. 支払完了後にご利用明細票を受け取りください。(領収書となります) ※利用する金融機関により操作方法が異なりますので、ご注意ください。 |
Please make a payment at any Pay-easy ATM with "receiving company number", "customer number" and "confirmation number" issued after selecting the payment method.
The payment terms are 4 days including the application date.
(If less than 4 days left before the application deadline at the time of completing an application, the due date supersedes the four-day payment term.)
* If the payment is not made within the payment term, the application will be cancelled automatically.
* The paid fee is non-refundable.
* Bank ATMs installed at convenience stores cannot be used for payment.
Paying at ATMs of post offices/banks |
1. Click "Pay tax/charge". 2. Enter the "receiving company number", then click "checked". 3. Enter the "customer number", then click "checked". 4. Enter the "confirmation number", then click "checked". 5. Check the displayed information and click "checked". 6. Make a payment in cash or with a cash card. 7. Make sure that you receive "specification of payment". |
ネットバンキング |
1.本システムお申込み確定後に表示されるお支払方法から「ネットバンキング」を選択。 2.お支払い可能な金融機関一覧からご希望の銀行を選択。 3.選択した金融機関のページへ画面遷移します。 4.ご契約のID、パスワードでアクセスしてお支払いください。 ※決済する口座がネットバンキング契約されていることが必要です。 |
Please make a payment via contracted online banking shown in the payment method.
The payment terms are 4 days including the application date.
(If less than 4 days left before the application deadline at the time of completing an application, the due date supersedes the four-day payment term.)
* If payment is not made within the payment term, the application will be cancelled automatically.
* The paid fee is non-refundable.
* Payment can be made at institutions which Pay-easy online banking is available.
Pay-easy online banking available institutions
* Payment cannot be made directly via online banking without using this system.
Paying via online banking |
1. Click "Online Banking" from payment methods in the screen shown after the application is confirmed. 2. Click a desired institution from the payable financial institution list. 3. Page transition is made to the one for your desired institution. 4. Access with a contract ID and a password, and make a payment. * You need to make a contract on online banking for the account for settlement in advance. |
※一部、「セキュリティコード」が印字されていないカードがございます。 印字がない場合は、カード会社までお問い合わせください。
クレジットカードでのお支払い |
1. トップページの「『インターネット出願システム ログイン』」にお進みください。 2. 「受付番号」「生年月日」「メールアドレス」をご入力ください。 ※事前に受付番号が発行されている必要があります。 3. 「お支払手続きへ進む」ボタンをクリックしてください。 4. 「クレジットカード支払い手続きへ進む」ボタンをクリックしてください。 5. クレジットカード情報の入力フォームに「カード番号」「有効期限」「セキュリティコード」をご入力ください。 |
The credit cards described above can be used for payment. Enter the "card number", "expiration date" and "CVV (card verification value)" on this website to pay the entrance examination fees.
The payment terms are 4 days including the application date.
(If less than 4 days left before the application deadline at the time of completing an application, the due date supersedes the four-day payment term.)
* If the payment is not made within the payment term, the application will be cancelled automatically.
* The paid fee is non-refundable.
* Payment can be made only by a single payment.
* You may find a 3-digit CVV (Card Verification Value) on the back of your credit card. (Some cards have a 4-digit CVV printed on the front)
* There are some credit cards with no "CVV" number on them; if so, please contact your card issuer.
Paying with a credit card |
1. Proceed to "Check Application Contents/Print Application Form" on the top page. 2. Enter the "application number", "date of birth" and "e-mail address". * You must have your application number issued in advance. 3. Click "proceed to payment" button. 4. Click "proceed to credit card payment" button. 5. Enter the "card number", "expiration date" and "CVV" in the input form of the credit card information. |